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Onsite Day-4 Parallel Session - 14

Day 4 - Thursday, July 25, 2024 - 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm - Room MVR1151

Each presenter should present for about 15 minutes. In a 90 minute parallel session, there will normally be 5 presenters. Thus, about 75 minutes should be consumed in presentations while leaving about 15 minutes for discussion/ Q&A.


The Chair of a parallel session will determine a suitable time duration for each presentation depending upon the actual number of presenters in the session. It is important to start & finish the sessions on time in order to vacate the room for the next session. If the assigned Chair of a parallel session is absent for any reason, one of the participants should assume this role in consultation with the other participants.


Presenters are expected to bring their own laptops and connect to the AV projector to avoid computer virus transmission.


Chair: Andrew Babson, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Legend Used:

Correct category registration fee paid

Incorrect category registration fee paid

Registration fee not paid

Paper 693

Radhisha Shivnal Nath, Fiji National University, Fiji

The Changing Role of Women in the Agriculture Sector and their Contribution to Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation - A Case Study of Sigatoka and Ba, Fiji

Paper 1025

Andrew Babson, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Humaneness as a key concept for comparative education: intellectual history and applications

Paper 1043

Maha Salman

Transforming Architecture and Design Education: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Future

Paper 681

Kunal Avishek Gounder, Fiji National University, Fiji

Socio-Economic Impacts of Climate Change on the Coastal Communities- Case Study of Togoru Village, Fiji

Paper 748

Mary Vayaliparampil,
American University in Dubai, UAE
Rhea James, Memorial University of New Foundland, Canada

Impact of Higher Education Migration on the Empowerment of Women from Contexts of Conflict

XVIII World Congress Logo Design Courtesy of Ms. Clare Sharkley, Communications Officer, Futures of Learning and Innovation Team, Education Sector, UNESCO, Paris, France

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XVIII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies

World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES)
UNESCO International Bureau of Education
15, Route des Morillons
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva, Switzerland

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